Wilda Wilda, Ria Nelly Sari, M. Rasuli


This research aims to analyze the performance measurement of RSUD
Kota Dumai defined as Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD). Performance is one of important thing
that have to evaluate at public hospital to obtain the objective and increase quality of health
services. In this research , we investigate how RSUD Kota Dumai measure the
performance. This research uses qualitative method with case study design. The sampling
conducted in this research are purposive sampling. Methode of data collection obtained through in
dept interview, observation and dokumentation. The interview are conducted with all director of
RSUD Kota Dumai. The result showed RSUD Kota Dumai evaluate performance under a combination of
financial and non financial indicator. We found the method of financial performace measurement used
budgetting analysis and non financial performance measurement used : (1) The achievement of
employee, (2) Achievement of service performance indicator, (3) Survey of patient satisfaction, (4)
Survey of employee satisfaction, (5) Performance Audit.

In Conclusion this paper offer Balanced Scorecard to evaluating the performance of hospital
activity. Balanced Scoecard Indicator have proved effective for measuring and improving
hospital performance in four distinct factors : financial result, customer satisfaction, the
internal business process, learning and growth effectiveness. We suggest RSUD Kota Dumai can adopt
Balanced Scorecard. However Balanced Scorcard will help public hospital to measure their
performance more comprehensive and accurate.


Public hospital, Regional Public Service Agency, performance measurement, Balanced Scorecard

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